Daddy Stuff

How to Tie Shoelaces The Easy Way (for Kids)

Hey there, folks! Sorry for the long absence. Been busy with lotsa things I couldn’t find some free time to blog here the past few months. Anyway, I hope you do bear with me as I try to get my groove back on!

For this entry, let me take a break from the “geek” part of this blog and dive straight into “daddy” stuff. Yes, as you can tell from the title, this one’s about how to tie shoelaces.

I recently taught my son, who is 5 years old, during one of our Family Home Evenings and it wasn’t easy at first.

I tried teaching him how I normally do it and he really struggled with it, which frustrated us both. It was at that point that I suddenly realized my method might be just a little too complicated and he, young as he was, probably didn’t have enough finger dexterity for it.

So the following day, I did what any parent would do – go to YouTube and look for some much-needed help.

That’s when I found this helpful tutorial video by YouTuber Jenny Hughes.

Her tying technique was much simpler, easier, and faster than my method and my boy got excited when we watched the tutorial. And he quickly got it after a few attempts!

So yeah, thanks to this clip, I don’t have to tie my son’s shoes anymore whenever he prepares for school (or after playing on a trampoline at the mall), I let him do it. It takes him a bit of time to finish for now but that’s okay – he’s still learning and I’m happy about that.

Next time, the boy tells me he wants to learn how to use chopsticks!